Game three of the tournament was versus Cole (Mooseman). I also had the extra challenge this last round of simultaneously
Category: Haqqislam

What the Hector
Day 1 of Rose City Raid, 2021 started pretty well! Table setup went quickly, and I was enjoying an adult

Cannes it be Done?
Erik is a proud new homeowner! In addition to the usual stuff–repairing windows, removing weeds from the the yard, etc.,

Evader Climb Nachtmusik
Erik was free on the weekend again, as was I, so we played a game of Frostbyte to prep for

The Case for CAS
Alright, another quiet week night, another game! I was running late so I arrived to this configuration of Adam’s Ariadna

Nokk ’em Out
Clint (psuedonymmster) asked me for a practice game for the VaulSC league he’s in. They’re playing Supremacy on a very

Nahab Gonna Happen
For our second episode of Are You Werthy, I squared off against Erik Werth (Zelaponeepus), with commentary by Clint (pseudonymmster)