Pete (YueFei23) was in town visiting Adam (TheDiceAbide) and I! We of course took the opportunity to play some Dadfinity
Category: Druze
Big Druze Energy
Adam (TheDiceAbide) and I were finally able to make the same game night, so we agreed to play a game
Pathfinder Perfidy
Tony (zhukov2) was most annoyed to see me and my Druze (joking of course). Overview I decided to to take
Bashi Bamboozle
After my victory against Steve (KingButt) I was paired against Bermen (DataEntity) on the JSA village table. It’s been a
More Like AC-130
I’m only several months behind on writing about this tournament at Mindtaker Miniatures… Check ’em out, they buy and sell
Aida Wanna Grow Up
After the last game of Looting and Sabotaging I really needed a better plan for AC2 defense. James also assembled
Peek a Krit
With Blockade Runner testing on pause to prepare for a tournament, James and I decided to go for a game
Tower Defense
We’re coming up on another tournament, and I really want to play Druze. So when Adam agreed to try my
Finding a Path
I had a date to play Heavy Gear with Adam, but he was fashionably late, so Nathan (Jhokalups) and I

Eastworld Early Access
Adam and I had a really difficult time scheduling a game this last week but we managed to find a